Square Screens that Look Round

The Google VR team is on a mission to bring amazing experiences to the world. This includes the world of Geo through Street View in Cardboard, Expeditions and Earth VR.

Google Expeditions in Hawaii

When people hear the name “Hawaii” it conjures up images of a lush volcanic island paradise, filled with tropical life. This life includes not just the fauna and flora, but the people, both local and visiting, all of which mixes together to create the unique environment that is the Hawaiian Islands. Using Google Expeditions, we can explore the many different facets of this geographically unique location and diverse society.

Did you know...

When using the Street View App, every image, whether created by Google or others, can turned into a VR scene. Just enter the full screen mode for an image and select the “cardboard” icon in the top right corner.

YouTube 360

YouTube supports 360 video and the viewing of it in VR. It is simple as navigating to a 360 video and selecting the “VR view” icon. Use it to explore hidden US National Parks; See the beauty of the under threat Bears Ears National Monument; In Antarctica, count penguins on Livingston Island and visit with still fluffy chicks at Neko Harbour; and much, much more!

Did you know...

Expeditions VR is soon adding Augmented Reality (AR). Learn more and sign up for the pilot program at https://edu.google.com/expeditions/ar

Classroom Story: Arvind Sridhar

Arvind Sridhar is a Bay Area student who as a teenager, wanted to empower underserved youth to take the world by storm. He started “Geography for Tomorrow”, a nonprofit, educational group targeting underserved and low-income students. He has since scaled globally bringing Google Expeditions, Maps and more to youths across the United State and internationally.

“Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand.” - Chinese proverb

Google Expeditions
Imagine exploring coral reefs or the surface of Mars in an afternoon. With Expeditions, teachers can take students on immersive, virtual journeys.
Arvind on Google Expeditions
“I find the features on the Expedition app really useful, especially the way that you can have students focus in on certain areas using the pointers while they are inside of a particular scene.”
TES Expeditions Lesson Plans
Teachers are creating lessons using Expeditions and uploading them to TES to share with others